Historic Koseki Translation Japanese-to-English
Are you researching your family ancestry and need help translating an historic Japanese family register?
A professional translation services in Tokyo (Japan), we are able to help with that.
With literally decades of experience providing historic koseki tohon translation services in Japan, Tokyo you can be sure we know a thing or two about ensuring your ancestry documents are accurately translated.
- how to get koseki from overseas
- how to get koseki tohon in Japan
- Japan ancestry records
- Japanese family registry ancestry online
- Japanese genealogy records koseki
- koseki ancestry
- koseki family registry records
- Koseki Japanese ancestry
- koseki Japanese genealogy
- koseki search
What is the koseki law in Japan?
The Family Register Act (Koseki Ho, 戸籍法) requires all Japanese households to notify their local government office of vital statistics (i.e., births, adoptions, deaths, marriages and divorces). Records are compiled of all Japanese citizens within a legal jurisdiction.
What is the oldest koseki?
Koseki first appeared in the sixth century.
What is the origin of koseki?
The original of the koseki is a population census of the 6th century called the kōgo no nenjaku (庚午年籍) or the kōin no nenjaku (庚寅年籍).
When did koseki begin?
Modern koseki trace their origin to 1872 soon after the beginning of the Meiji Restoration.
Document Degradation & Classical Japanese
The oldest koseki tohon we have translated is from the late Tokogawa Shogunate (Komei Era) - Almost 200 years!
Historic koseki, available at local municipal offices, are stored on magnetic tape – A technology that is outdate. Many of these documents were already seriously degraded before being stored on magnetic tape. In addition, documents are written in classical Japanese, which not many translators have mastered.
Obviously, this all makes it difficult to decipher ancestry information. So, how do we do it?
Kanji Character Experts
Degraded historic documents in classical Japanese is not your plain vanilla translation!
This is the reason why we employ experts in period documents. For example, for one particularly dated koseki, we contracted the service of a university professor in combination with a Japanese dialect researcher that specializes in documents of the koseki period. This researcher also happens to be a well-regarded published author.
If we can’t translate your ancestral family register, not many can…
Let expert translators in historic koseki help with your Japanese ancestry research - Historic Koseki Translation »